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Text File  |  1991-12-12  |  32KB  |  1,436 lines

  1. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ;%  VIRSCAN.DAT, Virus signature information file for Virus scanners.
  3. ;%  Revision:     911114  (yymmdd)
  4. ;%  (C) Copyright 1989-1991 by Jan R. Terpstra, all rights reserved.
  5. ;%  For info about this DATAFILE, contact:
  6. ;%  P.O. Box 66, 1462 ZH, Beemster, The Netherlands or FIDONET 2:512/10.0
  7. ;%
  8. ;%  For info about the scanning PROGRAM contact the author of the program.
  9. ;
  10. ; The info in this file is published under the following conditions:        ;
  11. ;                                                                           ;
  12. ; - you may freely distribute this file in UNMODIFIED FORM to anyone other  ;
  13. ;   person or organisation via any means of transmission.                   ;
  14. ; - you may modify this file for YOUR OWN PRIVATE or NON-COMMERCIAL USE.    ;
  15. ; - you may NOT distribute modified copies of this file.                    ;
  16. ; - Using this file for any commercial activity (sale, magazine & newspaper ;
  17. ;   publication as well as any form of paid services to third parties) is   ;
  18. ;   only allowed after obtaining a written permission from the editor.      ;
  19. ;                                                                           ;
  20. ;NOTICE: This file carries a sanity check. Do NOT change the control info   ;
  21. ;        or any of the info above the sanity check line at the end of the   ;
  22. ;        file.                                                              ;
  23. ;        If you need to add your own info to this file, do so BELOW the     ;
  24. ;        sanity control info line at the bottom of this file.               ;
  25. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
  26. ; Revision history:                                                         ;
  27. ;                                                                           ;
  28. ; yymmdd   description                                                      ;
  29. ; ------   -------------------------------------------------------------    ;
  30. ; 890815   First release of this file                                       ;
  31. ; 911114   Complete revision this file, major work by RiZwi                 ;
  32. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
  33. ;     ==> You may NOT distribute modified copies of this file!!! <==        ;
  34. ;                                                                           ;
  35. ; This file contains a VERIFIED list of Virus signatures and should be      ;
  36. ; used as input for a suitable Virus scanner. The MASTER copy of this file  ;
  37. ; and various Virus scanners are maintained and available for FileRequest   ;
  38. ; or download on:                                                           ;
  39. ;                                                                           ;
  40. ;       Bamestra RBBS, The Netherlands  (FIDO 2:512/10.0)                   ;
  41. ;       phone: ++31 2998 3602 or ++31 2998 3603 (HST/CM)                    ;
  42. ;       P.O. Box 66, 1462 ZH, Beemster, The Netherlands                     ;
  43. ;                                                                           ;
  44. ; If you find a Virus and want the info added to this file, leave a message ;
  45. ; on or send FIDO netmail to Sysop on Bamestra RBBS, 2:512/10.0             ;
  46. ; A working copy of the suspected Virus for verification is appreciated.    ;
  47. ;                                                                           ;
  48. ; Several Bulletin Boards over the world have copies of this file and Virus ;
  49. ; scanning programs available for download or file-request:                 ;
  50. ;                                                                           ;
  51. ;  VirusSIG.ZIP - latest VERIFIED version of VIRSCAN.DAT                    ;
  52. ;  TBSCAN*.ZIP  - Fast Virus scanner with lots of options                   ;
  53. ;  TBSCNX*.ZIP  - Resident version of TBSCAN                                ;
  54. ;  HTSCAN*.ZIP  - Another good Virus scanner                                ;
  55. ;                                                                           ;
  56. ; Most Bulletin Boards get a fresh copy of this file within 48 hours after  ;
  57. ; the Master Copy on 2:512/10.0 is updated.                                 ;
  58. ;                                                                           ;
  59. ; If you appreciate our efforts to keep this list up to date, then please   ;
  60. ; consider a donation to a local AIDS or cancer research foundation.        ;
  61. ; For commercial users: Contact the editor before use!                      ;
  62. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
  63. ;                                                                           ;
  64. ; Instructions for use:                                                     ;
  65. ; If you find a new Virus that is not in this list, you can add its         ;
  66. ; signature to this list BELOW the sanity check control line.               ;
  67. ;                                                                           ;
  68. ; NOTE: Signatures for BOOT record Viruses wil sometimes trigger alarms in  ;
  69. ;       .EXE or .COM files and vice versa. Please check for proper usage of ;
  70. ;       BOOT versus .COM and EXE signatures before you yell "Virus!".       ;
  71. ;                                                                           ;
  72. ;           DO NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED COPIES OF THIS FILE!                 ;
  73. ; Some unofficial versions of this file with wrong information, were        ;
  74. ; distributed by some individuals. These wrong versions have caused some    ;
  75. ; panic because perfectly healthy programs were accused of being infected   ;
  76. ; by a Virus. Again: DO NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED COPIES OF THIS FILE!        ;
  77. ;                                                                           ;
  78. ; Format of a Virus signature entry (3 lines, no comments in between):      ;
  79. ;                                                                           ;
  80. ;   <Virus name>        (max. 30 characters)                                ;
  81. ;   <affected items>    (COM, EXE, BOOT, HIGH, LOW, separated by blanks)    ;
  82. ;   <Virus signature>   (hex string, no seperators, max 80 characters)      ;
  83. ;                                                                           ;
  84. ; Lines starting with a ';' are ignored by the Virus scanners.              ;
  85. ;                                                                           ;
  86. ;NOTICE: This file carries a checksum control. Do NOT change the checksum   ;
  87. ;        and add your own info BELOW the cheksum line at the bottom of this ;
  88. ;        file.                                                              ;
  89. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
  90. ; Signatures collected by Jan R. Terpstra (SysOp Bamestra BBS) with special ;
  91. ; thaks to Dave Chess, Yuval Tal, Righard Zwienenberg, Bill Arnold, Mark    ;
  92. ; Blom, John McAfee, Frans Veldman, Kenneth Walls, Carl Bretteville, Alan   ;
  93. ; Solomon and Michael Weiner.                                               ;
  94. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
  95. ;
  96. ;*** BOOTSECTOR INFECTORS **************************************************
  97. Aircop Virus
  98. BOOT
  99. DD2EFF2EC001530EE8B1FF0EBB4C00E8ADFF5BCD12
  100. ;
  101. Anthrax Virus
  102. BOOT
  103. A58ED8BA270451535052CB8EC1B104BEB00583C60EAD3C80
  104. ;
  105. Azusa Virus
  106. BOOT
  107. A450B8CA0050CB31C0CD1331C08EC0B80102BB00
  108. ;
  109. Blood2 Virus
  110. BOOT LOW
  111. A5FF2E0F7C33C0CD130E1F33C08EC0B80102BB007C803E0A0000
  112. ;
  113. Boot record zapped by XA1
  114. BOOT
  115. 5B83C30D8CC88ED8E81500EBFE
  116. ;
  117. Brain, Shoe or Ashar Virus
  118. BOOT
  119. F4A113042D0700A31304B106D3E08EC0BE007C
  120. ;
  121. Brunswick Virus
  122. BOOT
  123. A6C35152565706E8D4FFE8E7FF74252EC606290100B80103
  124. ;
  125. Den Zuk Virus
  126. BOOT
  127. FA8CC88ED88ED0BC00F0FB?8*3C?
  128. ;
  129. Disk Killer (OGRE) Virus
  130. BOOT
  131. D2F7361A0088163F01A34101C3A14101
  132. ;
  133. EDV Virus
  134. BOOT
  135. DB8ED8C7078118813F8118740D2D00103D00B875ECB800A8
  136. ;
  137. Empire virus
  138. BOOT LOW
  139. A5B8010331DB41E823FFA0A801403C16720230C0A2A801
  140. ;
  141. Evil Empire-A/B Virus
  142. BOOT LOW
  143. AAE2F9E9F7FECD1A3A16AF01751ABEE30189F7B91B00
  144. ;
  145. Evil Empire-C virus
  146. BOOT LOW
  147. 8CC88ED88EC0BF0500B99A01FC8A0504??AAE2F9E9FBFE
  148. ;
  149. Falling Letters Virus.
  150. BOOT
  151. 31C0CD13B80202B90627BA0001BB00208EC3BB0001CD139A00010020
  152. ;
  153. Filler Virus
  154. BOOT
  155. 26813F5224740BCD13
  156. ;
  157. Flip Virus BOOT
  158. BOOT
  159. FBB80300E81F0006B8420050B8C007
  160. ;
  161. Form Virus
  162. BOOT
  163. B9FF00FCF3A506B89A0050BBFE01B80102
  164. ;
  165. Golden Gate Virus version C
  166. BOOT
  167. A717800FADBDAD5507173384
  168. ;
  169. Golden Gate Virus version C2
  170. BOOT
  171. A717DDAFF001233907173385
  172. ;
  173. Ghostballs Virus
  174. BOOT
  175. 7D83EA247211800EF77D0156579090905F5E8026F77DFE
  176. ;
  177. Invader Related Virus
  178. BOOT
  179. 1304B106D3E08ED8833E400EFE751AB8??0F1E
  180. ;
  181. Joshi Virus
  182. BOOT
  183. 022D2100BF0000BE007C03F003F8B979012BC8
  184. ;
  185. ;Keydrop Virus
  186. ;BOOT
  187. ;AC26803D007403268A05AA8AC4E2F061F894702C7072B7CFBCD13
  188. ;
  189. Lao Doungo Virus
  190. BOOT
  191. A5A5A34E00B8CF7CA34C00061FF6C2807539BB007EBA8001
  192. ;
  193. LDV Virus
  194. BOOT
  195. A406B8330150CBBB4C008B0F8B5702
  196. ;
  197. Liberty-Boot Virus
  198. BOOT
  199. 3F2833D2CD13C333C08ED8A14C002EA30A08A14E002EA30C08
  200. ;
  201. Mardi Bros Virus
  202. BOOT
  203. FA8CC88ED88ED0BC00F0FBE82700FA31C08ED8A113042D0700
  204. ;
  205. MichelAngelo Virus
  206. BOOT
  207. AD3B47027435B80103B601B103807F15FD7402B10E890E0800
  208. ;
  209. MicroDot Virus
  210. BOOT
  211. 010000C706D9010800C606DB0102B9040051
  212. ;
  213. Nichols Virus
  214. BOOT
  215. DD0DDF0FDD0FFF0A000ABA00
  216. ;
  217. NoInt virus
  218. BOOT LOW
  219. AB004848A31304B106D3E08EC036A38C00B8DA00A34C00
  220. ;
  221. Ohio Virus
  222. BOOT
  223. B106D3E08EC0BE007C33FFB90410FCF3A406B8000450
  224. ;
  225. Pentagon Virus
  226. BOOT
  227. 806C723CCD0342FC8045FCFE000F586C43FC8242738045CAFCE2FB00
  228. ;
  229. PingPong or Typo Boot Virus
  230. BOOT
  231. 8ED8A113042D0200A31304B106D3E02DC0078EC0BE007C8BFEB90001
  232. ;
  233. PingPong/286 Virus
  234. BOOT
  235. 7D807426BEBE81B90400807C0401740C807C04047406
  236. ;
  237. PtrSc Virus
  238. BOOT
  239. DBB801038A365F01B90100CD6DE824005A595F5E5B
  240. ;
  241. Smiley Worm Virus
  242. BOOT
  243. 01E82400E83B008BF1CB07BB007C53B9030051
  244. ;
  245. Stoned Related Virus
  246. BOOT
  247. 750E33C08ED8A03F04A8017503E80700
  248. ;
  249. Stoned/Alberta Virus
  250. BOOT
  251. A42EFF2E0D0031C090CD1333C08EC0B80102BB
  252. ;
  253. Swedish Stoned Virus
  254. BOOT LOW
  255. A4072BF68BFEB90002F3A4B8F3000650CB2BC0CD132BC08EC0
  256. ;
  257. Telephonica Virus
  258. BOOT LOW
  259. 9E74645152B408CD137220FEC68836EA008AD186E9
  260. ;
  261. Tequila Virus (Part.Table)
  263. B106D3E08EC006B82A0250B805028B0E307C418B16327C
  264. ;
  265. Twelve Tricks Trojan
  266. BOOT
  267. 8CC88ED0BC007C8BF48EC08ED850
  268. ;
  269. V-1 Related Virus
  270. BOOT
  271. CA03562D751726813ECC03314C750E36C7068001000036
  272. ;
  273. Yale Virus
  274. BOOT
  275. BB40008EDBA11300F7E32DE0078EC00E1F81FF56347504FF0EF87D
  276. ;
  277. Zapper Virus
  278. BOOT
  279. FC02721780FC04731222D2750E33C08ED8A03F04A8017503
  280. ;
  281. ;*** FILE INFECTORS ************************************
  282. ;
  283. 10 Past 3 Virus
  284. COM
  285. C7060001????C60?0?010?33C08ED8813EAC01464275
  286. ;
  287. 144 Virus
  288. COM
  289. 44017416B440CDB4B8004233
  290. ;
  291. 337
  292. COM
  293. 03F0B80057CD215251B4408BCEFECDBA0001CD21B80157
  294. ;
  295. 382 Virus
  296. COM EXE
  297. EB002EC7064B020000B419CD212EA27B02B447B2008D367D02CD21F8
  298. ;
  299. 483 Virus
  300. COM EXE
  301. 00E82E00B440B91800BAE303CD50B002
  302. ;
  303. 512 Related Virus
  304. COM
  305. CF8EC33B158E1D8B154A8EDA8BF18BD7B1??F3A58EDB
  306. ;
  307. 789 virus
  308. COM
  309. D5A17505B80D909DCF2EFF36
  310. ;
  311. 923 Virus
  312. COM EXE
  313. 832E170303B440B90300BA1603CD21C38B1E0803B8
  314. ;
  315. 1008 (Suomi) Virus
  316. COM
  317. DDBFA80390EB03*38B87EE03EB02*281C34400EB04*43101EB03
  318. ;
  319. 1024PSCR Virus
  320. COM EXE
  321. 00012EA30300B4400E1FBA0004B90004E8E8007230
  322. ;
  323. 1067 Virus
  324. COM EXE
  325. B80242E88C00B440B92B0490BA0001CD217214
  326. ;
  327. 1210 (Prudent) Virus
  328. EXE
  329. 2F040175D00E0E1F07BED3042BC92E8A0446410AC0
  330. ;
  331. 1392 (Amoeba) Virus
  332. COM EXE
  333. 2F01C3E80700E83A00E86600C3BF0001A10301
  334. ;
  335. 1554 Virus
  336. COM EXE
  337. 9B00FFFF7203A39B00A19B003DFFFF741FB000
  338. ;
  339. 1575 Virus
  341. 1FB800015033C0CBBE0600AD3D920174DD3D79
  342. ;
  343. 1591 Virus
  344. COM EXE
  345. 0E8CC805??50B8000150CB
  346. ;
  347. 2730 Virus
  348. COM EXE
  349. 9177917AA4B7570056000000
  350. ;
  351. 3445 Virus
  352. COM EXE
  353. 5983E91F8CC8*5F7E303C183D200
  354. ;
  355. 4096 Virus
  356. COM EXE LOW
  357. 875EECFCC383C30381FBCC0272E95BE8890AE421
  358. ;
  359. 5120 Virus
  360. COM EXE
  361. FBA10C002EA30001A10E002EA302018C1E2200
  362. ;
  363. a Virus created by the VCS
  364. COM
  365. AAE2FAC35E81EE030156E8E3FF
  366. ;
  367. Adolph Virus
  368. COM
  369. F8F9B912B8BE1FD933FFF5F9F8FC
  370. ;
  371. Agiplan Virus
  372. COM EXE
  373. AE263A2575F9BA0042263B550175F0B6BA263A75FB75E883F900
  374. ;
  375. Aids (Taunt) Virus
  376. COM
  377. 2A546869732046696C6520486173204265656E20496E66656374656420427920
  378. ;
  379. Aids II (Companion) Virus
  380. COM EXE
  381. 5589E581EC0202BFCA050E57BF3E011E57
  382. ;
  383. Akuku Virus
  384. COM EXE
  385. 89540433D2B97603B440CD2172608BD683C214B440B90400CD21
  386. ;
  387. Alabama Virus
  389. C606F900013CD375062EC606F90000BB40008EDB33DB8A4717240C3C0C7541
  390. ;
  391. Ambulance Car Virus
  392. COM
  393. BDF0FFBA0000B91000E83F0042E2FAE81600E87B00
  394. ;
  395. Amstrad Related Virus
  396. COM
  397. B44E%1CD2172??BA??0?B8023D%1CD21%6061F%1BA??0?%1B9FFFF%1B43FCD21
  398. ;
  399. Anthrax Virus
  400. COM EXE
  401. A58ED8BA270451535052CB8EC1B104BEB00583C60EAD3C80
  402. ;
  403. Anti-Pascal I Related Virus
  404. COM
  405. 33D2B80242CD21507230B9*2908D940601B440CD217222
  406. ;
  407. Anti-Pascal II Related Virus
  408. COM
  409. 1F3B06070174??50B000E8C0FFB440BA00018B0E??01CD21
  410. ;
  411. Armagedon Virus
  412. COM
  413. 3DDADA7503E999000E1F
  414. ;
  415. Attention Virus
  416. COM
  417. 31D2B440CD218BD1B979010E1FB440CD21
  418. ;
  419. Bad Boys II Virus
  420. COM
  421. 016014B803121ECD2F268C1E17011F
  422. ;
  423. BadGuy Related Virus
  424. COM
  425. EB02EB??B42ACD213C0174??EB??90
  426. ;
  427. Bebe Virus
  428. COM
  429. B8004233C933D28B1E1C00CD21B4408D160000B90E00
  430. ;
  431. Best Wishes Related Virus
  432. COM EXE
  433. B8004231C931D2E8??00B440C7C2*25981C1*2E8??00
  434. ;
  435. Black Monday Virus
  436. EXE COM
  437. AC009C0650EA0000000033C08ED88F0602008F060000FB
  438. ;
  439. Blood Virus
  440. COM
  441. B202B40ECD21B41ABA0C0003D5CD21BA040003D5B44E
  442. ;
  443. Boys Related Virus
  444. COM
  445. CD217303E9BD005E5683C625AD3D00FD
  446. ;
  447. Burger Related Virus
  448. COM EXE
  449. 909090BC00FE505351525556571E06169CBE80008D3E??03B92000F3A4B80000
  450. ;
  451. Burger Related Virus
  452. COM EXE
  453. 0226A???0226A2??02%1B419CD212?A2??0?B447%20401%18AD0
  454. ;
  455. Cara Virus
  456. COM
  457. A4061FC606B2020190E84F00B86221E85D00B86320
  458. ;
  459. Carioca Virus
  460. COM
  461. B490CD2180FC017513B905002E8B360301BF0001
  462. ;
  463. Cascade Related Virus
  464. COM
  465. F6872A0101740F8DB74D01BC
  466. ;
  467. Catman Virus
  468. COM EXE
  469. 8ED8BE4C00BF0004FF34FF7402FF741C
  470. ;
  471. Christmas in Japan Virus
  472. COM
  473. 53B4408B8E040481C158028BD581C20005CD21
  474. ;
  475. Christmas (XA1) Virus
  476. COM
  477. FA8BEC5832C08946028146002800
  478. ;
  479. Cinderella Virus
  480. COM LOW
  481. CF9C80FCFB750432E49DCF80FCFC750E9D1E075FBF0001
  482. ;
  483. Crackpot-208 Virus
  484. COM
  485. EB03%1EB??B42ACD21%13C0174??%1EB??90
  486. ;
  487. Crackpot-1972 Virus
  488. COM EXE
  489. BBB401*88A27*732260601*98827*A43*981FB6809*B7EBD*CC3
  490. ;
  491. Crash Virus
  493. A4C38CC02E03441A051000502EFF7418CB061E8CD8488EC0
  494. ;
  495. Crazy Eddie Virus
  496. COM EXE
  497. B80242CCB440CC33D2B80042CC8BD6B118B440CC
  498. ;
  499. Crew 2480 Virus
  500. COM
  501. A48BCE81E904005F5E5681C61C00B800003904770F
  502. ;
  503. CSSR 528 Virus
  504. COM
  505. 7303EB25903D0300751F8BDE
  506. ;
  507. Dark Avenger Virus
  508. COM EXE
  509. 49CD21*5CD2181EBE700727B8CC1F913CB
  510. ;
  511. Darth Vader Related
  512. COM EXE
  513. 505351%256578?%FB82012CD2F268A1DB81612CD2F
  514. ;
  515. Datacrime (1168) Virus
  516. COM
  517. 8B36010183EE038BC63D00007503E9FE00
  518. ;
  519. Datacrime II Virus
  520. COM EXE
  521. 5E81EE030183FE00742A2E8A94
  522. ;
  523. Datacrime IIb Virus
  524. COM EXE
  525. 2E8A0732C2D0CA2E880743E2F3
  526. ;
  527. Datacrime B (1280) Virus
  528. COM
  529. 8B36010183EE038BC63D00007503E90201
  530. ;
  531. DataLock Virus
  532. COM EXE
  533. 680001C3B4BECD213D3412C31EA12C00508CD8488ED8812E
  534. ;
  535. dBASE Virus
  536. COM
  537. FB750A86E09DCFE9CE06E9810381FF0AFB742E3D004B
  538. ;
  539. Define Related Virus
  540. COM EXE SYS
  541. BA9E00CD2193B440*4CD21C3
  542. ;
  543. Deicide Virus
  544. COM
  545. B95000BA0000CD26B409BA0301CD21EBFE8AD0B40E
  546. ;
  547. Demon Related Virus
  548. COM
  549. BAB201B44EB90B11CD21%17302EB11E84900
  550. ;
  551. Destructor V4.00 Virus
  552. COM EXE
  553. BAA204E8CFFD72CBE858FF2EC7460C00012E81660E00002E8166030000
  554. ;
  555. Devil's Dance Virus
  556. COM
  557. AD03F3A426C706000003015E1E068CC048
  558. ;
  559. Diamond Related Virus
  560. COM EXE
  561. 4A8EC233FFB9??008B55022BD13BD0723CFA26294D03895502
  562. ;
  563. Dir Virus
  564. COM
  565. B4402E8B1E7D03B90600BA9503CD21B802422E8B1E7D0331C931D2CD21
  566. ;
  567. DisCom Virus
  568. COM EXE
  569. 6B008CC88ED88EC0B43FCD21498BFABE0500F3A67507B43E
  570. ;
  571. Do Nothing Related Virus
  572. COM
  573. C21ECD707219A36F??B442B0028B1E6F??B90000
  574. ;
  575. Doom-II Virus
  576. COM EXE
  577. B9AF04BF29012EA00B012E803E0A014574052E033E0301
  578. ;
  579. Dot Killer Virus
  580. COM
  581. 03BA0001B440CD21E8BF02B440B90300BAA704CD21B801
  582. ;
  583. Dutch 555 Virus
  584. COM EXE
  585. 884600C60600004DB92300290E
  586. ;
  587. Dutch 1039 Virus
  588. COM
  589. 52B44232C08B1E8C0133C933D2CD21B9F40481E90001B440
  590. ;
  591. Eight Tunes (1971) Virus
  592. COM EXE
  593. B7003B445B7219B8907EE8C800B80835CD21895C5D
  594. ;
  595. E.T.C. 3.00 Virus
  596. COM
  597. B9FFFFE2FEA1FC00A30001A1FE00A30201
  598. ;
  599. Europe/92 Related Virus
  600. COM
  601. E800005EB8FF4BCD21720A83C62DBF000157A5A5C3
  602. ;
  603. Fellowship Virus
  604. COM EXE
  605. FB039C0650EA0000000033C08ED88F0600008F060200FB
  606. ;
  607. Fichv 2.1 Virus
  608. COM
  609. B80325BA5501CD21BB3101BA3A0090B91C03BE6B01BF6B01CC
  610. ;
  611. Fish (6) Virus
  612. COM EXE
  613. 8F06DB0E2E8326DB0EFE2E803EDA0E0075112EFF36DB0E
  614. ;
  615. Flash Virus
  616. COM EXE
  617. 4ACD218CDA03D3428EC2B455CD2156BF000183EE080E1FB9D002
  618. ;
  619. Flip Virus COM/EXE
  620. COM EXE
  621. 0EBB*21FB9*2B2??81C1*2EB
  622. ;
  623. Flip Virus - RAM Resident
  624. LOW HIGH
  625. 505152B402CD1A80FD1075
  626. ;
  627. Formiche Virus
  628. COM EXE
  629. BCD21746313431244C75F8
  630. ;
  631. Formiche Virus Resident
  632. LOW HIGH
  633. BFAA552EC40637018CCACF
  634. ;
  635. Friday the 13th Virus
  636. COM EXE
  637. 1E8BECC746100001E80000582D??00B104D3E88CCB03C32D100050
  638. ;
  639. Frogs Related Virus
  640. COM
  641. E8E404A1%505000126A3*2268C
  642. ;
  643. F-Word Related Virus
  644. COM
  645. B43FCD2129C85875DDFFE0B440EBF3
  646. ;
  647. G-Virus 1.3 Virus
  649. 5F83EF03E800005E81EE87002E89845900
  650. ;
  651. Gergana Related Virus
  652. COM
  653. 16AD013BCA74E1B8024233C933D2CD21A3AB01B4
  654. ;
  655. Gotcha! Related Virus
  656. COM EXE
  657. E800005B81EBC?039CFC2E80BF39010074128CD80510002E03871D
  658. ;
  659. Guppy Virus
  660. COM
  661. B8024233D233C9CD2197B440B19889F283EA40CD21
  662. ;
  663. Halloechen Virus
  664. COM EXE
  665. 4B00C7065B005555BA4900C706FB003000E8A1FEFF064A01
  666. ;
  667. Happy New Year Related Virus
  668. COM EXE
  669. E81CFD72EF50B91000F7F15052B940068D940001B440E806FD
  670. ;
  671. Holland Girl Related Virus
  672. COM EXE
  673. 0301%133C933%2C0AC3C1A740403C8EBF781F9A34675
  674. ;
  675. Hero Virus
  676. COM
  677. 33D2CD21B440B91800BAFA03CD21
  678. ;
  679. Hungarian 482 Virus
  680. COM EXE
  681. D2CD21B9E20190BA0000B440CD21B801
  682. ;
  683. Hybryd Virus
  684. COM
  685. B440B91A058BD681EA8D02CD21??505683EE51908BFEB99202
  686. ;
  687. Hymn Virus
  688. COM EXE
  689. 33D2B9490790B440E877FE722733C875238BD1B80042E869FE
  690. ;
  691. Icelandic/Saratoga Virus
  692. COM EXE
  693. A3030003D8438EC333F633FF0E1FB9D007
  694. ;
  695. Icelandic III Virus
  696. EXE
  697. 6803A32400A16A03051000A31C0090
  698. ;
  699. InCom Virus
  700. COM
  701. 528BFA8B4D028BDF2BD983C31783E92C301F43
  702. ;
  703. Int 13 Virus
  704. COM EXE
  705. B80242B9FFFF8BD1CD9EB43FB2538BFAF7D9CD9E
  706. ;
  707. Internal (1381) Virus
  708. EXE
  709. 3FB91C008B1E27008D160900CD217211813E1B004D5A7409A11700
  710. ;
  711. Itavir Virus
  712. COM EXE
  713. 9B00908A16D70B80FA02741B1E52B41CCD218A075A
  714. ;
  715. Jeff Virus
  716. COM
  717. A4C6069D02B8B89BFF8EC0B93F0033D232E48BD9268A0701C2
  718. ;
  719. Jerk (Talentless) Virus
  720. COM
  721. A4B41ABA3E0501EA89969402CD21B419CD218886F804BBFFFF
  722. ;
  723. Jerusalem Related Virus
  725. 26C6%3CB580510008EC00E1FB9
  726. ;
  727. JoJo (1701) Virus
  728. COM
  729. 6DB42CCD2180FD13720AB8CD20A3000153E9C702
  730. ;
  731. Joker Virus
  732. EXE
  733. 1B35CD21891EA9478C06AB471E0E1FBA7A01B81B25
  734. ;
  735. July 13th Virus
  736. EXE
  737. A012003490BE1200B9B1042E300446E2FA
  738. ;
  739. June 16th (Pretoria) Virus
  740. COM
  741. C933D2E85BFFE81200B440BA0001
  742. ;
  743. Justice Virus
  744. COM
  745. B440B9DA049C0EE870FC723881FEDDDD750A2EC7063D000155EB0F
  746. ;
  747. Kamikaze Virus
  748. EXE
  749. BAEB008EDA8C063E0033ED8BC4051300
  750. ;
  751. Kemerovo Virus
  752. COM
  753. BA0100B80242CD2172D15A5283EA04B90001B440CD21
  754. ;
  755. Kennedy (333) Virus
  756. COM
  757. 9452028BFAB90300CD21803DE97405E87E00F8
  758. ;
  759. Keypress Virus
  760. COM EXE
  761. A4F8C3061FC706BE020000B81C35CD21891EEA028C06EC
  762. ;
  763. Kiev Related Virus
  764. COM
  765. 0153B440BAD50101DAB903008BDFCD215B72
  766. ;
  767. Klaeren Virus
  768. COM EXE
  769. 9CFF1EEB045351E800005B81EBAF03B9A5038037??43E2FA
  770. ;
  771. Leech Dropper
  772. COM EXE
  773. A0FF0730044681FEFF0772F7595AB440E85B00
  774. ;
  775. Lehigh Virus
  776. COM
  777. 505380FC4B740880FC4E7403E977018BDA807F013A75058A07EB07
  778. ;
  779. Leprosy Virus
  780. COM EXE
  781. B43BCD21463B36ED027CE1803EF00200740AB8BA0250
  782. ;
  783. Leprosy B Virus
  784. COM EXE
  785. 01B440CD21E80100C3BB31018A2732260601882743
  786. ;
  787. Leprosy C or D Virus
  788. COM EXE
  789. 5633F6E8??000BC0740?E81?0046%802B43BCD214683FE037?E?EB005E
  790. ;
  791. Liberty Virus
  792. COM EXE
  793. 93E8CD0072C2BB13012E813F4D5A7505
  794. ;
  795. Liberty-Boot Virus
  796. COM EXE
  797. 3F2833D2CD13C333C08ED8A14C002EA30A08A14E002EA30C08
  798. ;
  799. LoveChild Virus or Trojan
  800. COM EXE
  801. 1003CD13FECE79F7B603FEC5EBF14C6F76
  802. ;
  803. Lower Case virus
  804. COM
  805. 370481E92704FCF3A4C3BF00018B363A01B900D0D1E9FC
  806. ;
  807. Lozinsky (AidsTest) Virus
  808. COM
  809. B90100BAC900CD217303E988002EA0B7032E3806C900747DB80242
  810. ;
  811. Magnitogorsk Related Virus
  812. COM
  813. BE3E0003F7B9C20?2E00042EF6AD070046E2F5
  814. ;
  815. MG Related Virus
  816. COM
  817. CDFF7213B8004231D28BCACDFFB440B90300BA????CDFF
  818. ;
  819. MGTU Virus
  820. COM
  821. B4408D0E0D028D1600012BCA8BD581C20001CD21B440B904008D160901
  822. ;
  823. Minimal Related Virus
  824. COM
  825. 0001B92D00B440CD21B43E
  826. ;
  827. Mirror Virus
  828. COM EXE
  829. CD215A59B80157CD21B43ECD21B82135CD21
  830. ;
  831. Mix I Related Virus
  832. COM EXE
  833. 33C08EC02680261704BF26800E1704
  834. ;
  835. Mix II Related Virus
  836. COM EXE
  837. E83500E81B00BA0000B9E808B4409C9A60142B02
  838. ;
  839. MLTI Virus
  840. COM
  841. B440B93E030E1F33D2CD21FA5A1F7200B43ECD21FA
  842. ;
  843. Murphy Related Virus
  844. COM EXE
  845. 0000B8??4B%1CD21%17203E92?015E56%18BFE33C0501FC4064C002E8984??F?2E8C84??F?
  846. ;
  847. Mutant Related Virus
  848. COM
  849. CD2105??00813E??0144497413
  850. ;
  851. Naughty Hacker Related Virus
  852. COM EXE
  853. 53B82012%3268A1DB81612%35B83C711
  854. ;
  855. Nina Related Virus
  856. COM
  857. 3D004B750D505351521EE80A001F5A595B58EA60142602B8023D
  858. ;
  859. Nobock (440) Virus
  860. COM
  861. B80242CD218D95CC09B9B80190B440CD215A59
  862. ;
  863. Nomenclatura Related Virus
  864. COM EXE
  865. 4401B440B90300CD21C333C08EC0BE1505BF9000B9
  866. ;
  867. Number One Virus
  868. COM
  869. E878F9073C536D696C653EE832E0
  870. ;
  871. Old Yankee Related Virus
  872. COM EXE
  873. 81EE*203F38904BE*281
  874. ;
  875. Ontario Related Virus
  876. COM EXE
  877. 562E8A84E801B9E801F6D02E300446E2F8C3
  878. ;
  879. Oropax Virus
  880. COM LOW
  881. 8200C7069C007D098C0E9E00C7068400EE088C0E8600FB2E803E070100
  882. ;
  883. Paris Related Virus
  884. COM EXE
  885. 59B4408D16A0028D3686028B1CCD218D36B0028904
  886. ;
  887. Parity Virus
  888. COM
  889. 88A5B4028B855B022D03008985B502B440BAB40203D7B90300CD21
  890. ;
  891. PCV Virus
  892. COM EXE
  893. 33DBBE1C00B94F072E8A9708002E0010
  894. ;
  895. Perfume (765) Virus
  896. COM
  897. EF408EC70E1FB90004FCBF0000F3A481EC0004
  898. ;
  899. Phantom Virus
  900. COM
  901. 00C3B440E80D00C3B43EE80700C3B43FE80100
  902. ;
  903. Phoenix related virus
  905. 00014?03??8B??33??B?*25?33??224?4?4?7?F85?31??224?4?4?7?F8
  906. ;95B?00014?03??8B??33??B?*25?33??224?4?4?7?F85?31??224?4?4?7?F8
  907. ;
  908. Plague Related Virus
  909. COM EXE
  910. BB34018A273226060188274381FB8303
  911. ;
  912. Polimer Virus
  913. COM
  914. 8B0E6C018CD80500108ED8B440CD21
  915. ;
  916. Polish 217 Virus
  917. COM
  918. 0300B440CD21E825008BD681C20001B9D900
  919. ;
  920. Poss-A Virus
  921. COM EXE
  922. A5070E1F8B166700803E6E000B750F8916990281EAA3FF
  923. ;
  924. Poss-B virus
  925. COM EXE
  926. A5E8C4011F2E8B0E160A2E803E5B000B750481E98E0933D2
  927. ;
  928. Rape Related Virus
  929. COM
  930. CD69%233D2B440B9??0?90CD69%25A59%AB80157CD69
  931. ;
  932. Raubkopie Virus
  933. COM EXE
  934. BE12018BFEB98102D1E9
  935. ;
  936. Revenge Attacker Virus
  937. COM
  938. C933D29CFF1E0901B4408B1EB901B9670581E90001BA0001
  939. ;
  940. Russian Mirror Virus
  941. COM
  942. 2EA3BE015B53B9E201BA0000B440CD21B800425B53B90000BA0000CD21
  943. ;
  944. RVPS Virus
  945. COM
  946. C2015B53B440CD215BB43ECD21*7BCFEFFE99832CD21%1E955FF
  947. ;
  948. Saddam Virus
  949. COM
  950. 6B7226EBEDA1E40225E0FF051F00A3E402B43DB0028CCA8EDA
  951. ;
  952. Saterday 14th (Durban) Virus
  953. COM EXE
  954. 9D02A4E2FD06B82135CD211F891E5302
  955. ;
  956. Scotts Valley Virus
  957. COM EXE
  958. 5E8BDE909081C63200B912082E
  959. ;
  960. Sentinel Related Virus
  961. COM EXE
  962. 89EC5DC202005589E583EC128C5EF?55E81?F?
  963. ;F?89EC5DC202005589E583EC128C5EF?55E81?F?
  964. ;
  965. Shake Virus
  966. COM
  967. 5E50E800005EB80342CD213D34??7503
  968. ;
  969. Slowdown Virus
  970. COM EXE
  971. DE909081C61B00B990062E8034
  972. ;
  973. Solano 2000 Virus
  974. COM
  975. 175858BF00012E893E2101582EA32301
  976. ;
  977. Spyer Virus
  978. COM EXE
  979. 1F8BD8B80242B9FFFFBAD6FFCD217303E90A01052A003D03007703
  980. ;
  981. Staff Virus
  982. COM
  983. E80AFFBA8F02E820FFE801FFB80057CD215152B000
  984. ;
  985. Sparse Virus
  986. COM
  987. 061F17BB000106538CC64E8EDE8C0601008CC6
  988. ;
  989. StarDot-600 Virus
  990. COM EXE
  991. 6803B43BCD21B42ACD21FEC08B16410383E2073AC2
  992. ;
  993. StarDot-801 Virus
  994. COM EXE
  995. 268B1E6C04891E720407
  996. ;
  997. Suriv 1.01 Virus
  998. COM
  999. 81F9C407721B81FA0104
  1000. ;
  1001. Suriv 2.01 Virus
  1002. EXE
  1003. 81F9C407722881FA0104
  1004. ;
  1005. SVC 3.1 Virus
  1006. COM EXE
  1007. 33D2B92804B80040E84CFE3D2804751833C933D2B80042E83DFE
  1008. ;
  1009. SVC 4.0 Virus
  1010. COM EXE
  1011. 33D2B99906B80040E8F7FD72203D9906751B33C933D2B80042E8E6FD
  1012. ;
  1013. Sverdlov Virus
  1014. COM EXE
  1015. 5EEB02*283EE082E8A840C00B97D07BF2D0003FE
  1016. ;
  1017. SVir Virus
  1018. EXE
  1019. E788261900A11D00A32100A11B00A32300C7061B000000
  1020. ;
  1021. Syslock Related Virus
  1022. COM EXE
  1023. D1E98AE18AC13306140031044646E2F25E5958C3
  1024. ;
  1025. Taiwan Related Virus
  1026. COM
  1027. B90800BE??03BF00F8FCF3A4B9??028B36??01
  1028. ;
  1029. Telecom Virus #1
  1030. COM EXE
  1031. DB7420B6??BE5500B9740EB6??03F58A1C80F3??32D80ADCB2??B2??
  1032. ;
  1033. Telecom Virus #2
  1034. COM EXE
  1035. B20083FB007418BF5500B2??B9740E03FD8A1D80C3??32D8881D
  1036. ;
  1037. Tequila Virus (Signature A)
  1038. EXE
  1039. B96009%48A17%44643%281FB*272??%2BB*2%4E2??%2E9
  1040. ;
  1041. Tequila Virus (Signature B)
  1042. EXE
  1043. B96009%48A14%44643%281FE*272??%2BE*2%4E2??%2E9
  1044. ;
  1045. Terror Related Virus
  1046. COM EXE
  1047. 50B859ECCD213BE8753E0E1F582E8E06??0?E8D5FF7410B90D00
  1048. ;
  1049. Test Related Virus
  1050. COM
  1051. 3C31742E3C35740B3C397424EBEEE8A101721D
  1052. ;
  1053. The Rat Virus
  1054. COM EXE
  1055. FFB440E833FFB80042BA8000E837FFB98001BA100A
  1056. ;
  1057. Tiny Related Virus
  1058. COM
  1059. 3D004B75??5053%7B8023D
  1060. ;
  1061. Tiny (163) Virus
  1062. COM
  1063. 8984AB01B4408D940501B9A300CD217215
  1064. ;
  1065. Tony Related Virud
  1066. COM
  1067. 1B5033C933D2B80042CC59B440CC2E8B0E16012E8B
  1068. ;
  1069. TP Worm
  1070. COM EXE
  1071. E9D3DD558BEC8B5604B80043CD21720FF64606027409F6C1017404B8000DF9E9A1DD
  1072. ;
  1073. Traceback (3066) Virus
  1074. COM EXE
  1075. 7106E82806B419CD2189B451018184510184088C8C5301
  1076. ;
  1077. Traceback II (2930) Virus
  1078. COM EXE
  1079. 2906E8E005B419CD218884E300E8CE048A95E2000E1F7509
  1080. ;
  1081. Tumen Related Virus
  1082. COM EXE
  1083. 4D5A74??5131D2B9*2B440CD2131C931D2B80042
  1084. ;
  1085. Turbo 448 Virus
  1086. COM LOW HIGH
  1087. B80242B900008BD1E81F00BA0001B9C001B440E81400
  1088. ;
  1089. Turbo Kukac Virus
  1090. COM
  1091. 83EE03BAC10281EA000103F28B1C8B4C02
  1092. ;
  1093. Twelve Tricks Trojan Dropper
  1094. COM EXE
  1095. BE640231944201D1C24E79F7
  1096. ;
  1097. Typo Related Virus
  1098. COM
  1099. D681C2050033C9B44FCD2173EF
  1100. ;
  1101. USSR 311 Virus
  1102. COM
  1103. B80157B9705A8B55FACD21B43ECD21B801435932ED8BD7CD21
  1104. ;
  1105. USSR 492 Virus
  1106. COM
  1107. 032BC8BA2A02B440CD217248B440B9EC01BA0001CD21
  1108. ;
  1109. USSR 516 Virus
  1110. COM
  1111. B80242E8FFFEA3A900B90402B440E8F4FE722E2BC8752A
  1112. ;
  1113. USSR 529 Virus
  1114. COM
  1115. 0503B440CD217215B8004233D28BCACD21
  1116. ;
  1117. USSR 600 Virus
  1118. COM
  1119. B44051BB58038A0734BB880743E2F7595B53BA5803CD21
  1120. ;
  1121. USSR 707 Virus
  1122. COM
  1123. B8004233C933D2E8A100B440B903008BD783C217E89400
  1124. ;
  1125. USSR 711 Virus
  1126. COM
  1127. 2E8B0EB20083E10F83C1058CC88ED833D2B80040CD217234
  1128. ;
  1129. USSR 948 Virus
  1130. COM EXE
  1131. 8B4C04B80042CD212BD28BCEB440CD215A59B80157CD21
  1132. ;
  1133. USSR 696 Virus
  1134. COM
  1135. BA0001B9B802B440CD2159880EB5031F33C933D2B80042CD21
  1136. ;
  1137. USSR 905 Virus
  1138. EXE
  1139. 8B161200F6D63AD674B4B8024233C933D2CD21
  1140. ;
  1141. USSR 1049 Virus
  1142. COM EXE
  1143. B440EB02B43FE8090072023BC1C332C0B4422E8B1E3E00
  1144. ;
  1145. USSR 2144 Virus
  1146. COM EXE
  1147. C43F50268B05D1E83598122E038415005883C304E2EA2EC684B70030
  1148. ;
  1149. V-1 Related Virus
  1150. COM
  1151. CA03562D751726813ECC03314C750E36C7068001000036
  1152. ;
  1153. V270 Related Virus
  1154. COM EXE
  1155. BE00015631FFB90B01F3A4BD2301B9E600FA87EC5B5831D85049E2F8
  1156. ;
  1157. V651 (Eddie 3) Virus
  1158. COM EXE
  1159. B440CD2172F52BC875F18BD1B80042CD2172E8A1A002
  1160. ;
  1161. V800 Related Virus
  1162. COM
  1163. E800005E83C619??8BFE33D2
  1164. ;
  1165. V801 Related Virus
  1166. COM EXE
  1167. 2EF606D4030174078ED0531E1EEB0550
  1168. ;
  1169. V1963 Virus
  1170. COM EXE LOW
  1171. 0E07BB04098BFBABB080AB8CC8ABB85C00AB8CC8ABB86C00AB8CC8AB
  1172. ;
  1173. V2000 Virus
  1174. COM EXE LOW
  1175. B413CD2F5A1F2E8994A7072E8C9CA9072E
  1176. ;
  1177. V2100 Related Virus
  1178. COM EXE LOW
  1179. EE0AA5A55E33D2B92408B440CD21721733C87517
  1180. ;
  1181. Vacsina Related Virus
  1182. COM EXE
  1183. B801438E5E0E8B56062E8B0E??00
  1184. ;
  1185. VACSINA EXE2COM conversion
  1186. COM EXE
  1187. 03C8894FFB%28B0E160103C8894FF7%28B0E1001894F%28B
  1188. ;
  1189. VComm Virus
  1190. EXE
  1191. 02B440CD21E83E00A19?02A33?02A19?02A33?021E
  1192. ;7?02B440CD21E83E00A19?02A33?02A19?02A33?021E
  1193. ;
  1194. VFSI (Happy Day) Virus
  1195. COM
  1196. 588BD0350F0005020003C88CD8488ED8B80040CD215A59B80157CD21
  1197. ;
  1198. Victor Virus
  1200. BCF308B42CCD2189167200B42CCD218ACA80E10FD3067200
  1201. ;
  1202. Vienna Related Virus
  1203. COM
  1204. AC3C3B74??3C007403AAEBF4**1F89**B05CAA89
  1205. ;
  1206. Vienna Related Virus
  1207. COM
  1208. 8BD681C60000FCB90300BF0001F3A48BFAB430CD213C007503
  1209. ;
  1210. Virus-90
  1211. COM
  1212. C5030133C033DBB909008D561289D6030043
  1213. ;
  1214. Virus-101
  1215. COM EXE
  1216. B303B4??03F3B4??8CC8B7??8CDBB5??39C3B4??7411B4??BE0010
  1217. ;
  1218. VP Virus
  1219. COM
  1220. E2B97D03CD218CC28EDAB457B0018B1E20038B0EDC028B16DE02CD21
  1221. ;
  1222. Voronezh Virus
  1223. COM EXE
  1224. 31C9B800425B53CD218B0E58078D164007B440CD21
  1225. ;
  1226. Vriest Virus
  1227. COM
  1228. 8BD82EFE0E260251521E0E1FB440B90005BA0001C70627020000CD21
  1229. ;
  1230. VVV-252 Related Virus
  1231. COM
  1232. 8BD8B4408B0EFC00030EFA008B16F800CD21
  1233. ;
  1234. Warrier Related Virus
  1235. COM EXE
  1236. 8BD7E8D50080ECFD2E3B060200720ABA00038BCAB440
  1237. ;
  1238. Warrior Related Virus
  1239. EXE
  1240. 028944FEB900045A5281E20F00B440CD219C
  1241. ;
  1242. Whale Virus
  1243. LOW HIGH
  1244. 252E890E64255B2E8B0783C3025389C132ED2E302743E2FA
  1245. ;
  1246. Whale Mutant #1
  1247. COM EXE
  1248. 2907E2FA5B59EB2A5BFC53C30E1FE8F7FF81EBA323B9C111
  1249. ;
  1250. Whale Mutant #2
  1251. COM EXE
  1252. 371083C301E2F8585B5956BE6625F8FF14F85E43E82900
  1253. ;
  1254. Whale Mutant #3
  1255. COM EXE
  1256. 37261383C303E2F78BCB598BD959B460EB1D56E80200
  1257. ;
  1258. Whale Mutant #4
  1259. COM EXE
  1260. 3786F283C301E2F55AFB5B59FF166625E803004033DE
  1261. ;
  1262. Whale Mutant #5
  1263. COM EXE
  1264. 37964083C303E2F78CC0588BD859B450EB1E56FDE80200
  1265. ;
  1266. Whale Mutant #6
  1267. COM EXE
  1268. 49434975F7FF3666258F0699255B59EB03E82F00FF16
  1269. ;
  1270. Whale Mutant #7
  1271. COM EXE
  1272. 4983C30249C35AE8F4FF742EEBF9520E1FE8230081EA
  1273. ;
  1274. Whale Mutant #8
  1275. COM EXE
  1276. 49F61F83C30249C35DE8F4FF7430EBF9550EF81FE82300
  1277. ;
  1278. Whale Mutant #9
  1279. COM EXE
  1280. 5B415956BE6625FF14F85E42505A90E80100F85B81EB9F23
  1281. ;
  1282. Whale Mutant #10
  1283. COM EXE
  1284. 5B5955FF3666255D3EFFD55DE80000B984235B81EBB623
  1285. ;
  1286. Whale Mutant #11
  1287. COM EXE
  1288. 5B59B440E8BA01EB0C5B530E1FC3E82A0075FBEBEBE8F1FF
  1289. ;
  1290. Whale Mutant #12
  1291. COM EXE
  1292. 5BB44059E8BA01EB0C5B0E1F53C3E8290075FBEBEBE8F1FF
  1293. ;
  1294. Whale Mutant #13
  1295. COM EXE
  1296. 67254EFF14E8020033DE81F676185B5E81EB9F23B98523
  1297. ;
  1298. Whale Mutant #14
  1299. COM EXE
  1300. 852381EBA923FE0F43E2FB558BEB81C58E0033C03E807E0001
  1301. ;
  1302. Whale Mutant #15
  1303. COM EXE
  1304. 91FF166625EBEE5BB985230E81EB9F231F8A47FFFEC8
  1305. ;
  1306. Whale Mutant #16
  1307. COM EXE
  1308. 9383EB1DB9C3118A072847FF4B4BE2F7803E3324017416
  1309. ;
  1310. Whale Mutant #17
  1311. COM EXE
  1312. 93B9C31183EB1E8A170057FF4BF54BE2F6803E3324017415
  1313. ;
  1314. Whale Mutant #18
  1315. COM EXE
  1316. CA8EDAE80300D7EBF65A81EA9D23F987DAB98A2CF881F10F0F
  1317. ;
  1318. Whale Mutant #19
  1319. COM EXE
  1320. D7585B59FF166625E80300BB01565B81EB9F23B93489
  1321. ;
  1322. Whale Mutant #20
  1323. COM EXE
  1324. DB1F81C361DCE81E00BA02008137060403DAE2F881C38D00
  1325. ;
  1326. Whale Mutant #21
  1327. COM EXE
  1328. DB1F81C361DCE81F00B8020081379A239001C3E2F781C38D00
  1329. ;
  1330. Whale Mutant #22
  1331. COM EXE
  1332. DB5B81EB9F23E81E00B802008137380101C3E2F881C38D00
  1333. ;
  1334. Whale Mutant #23
  1335. COM EXE
  1336. DC5901CB0EB9C4111FFEC943812FFE0043E2F85689DE81C68D00
  1337. ;
  1338. Whale Mutant #24
  1339. COM EXE
  1340. DC5958935891B43FFEC4E8810158EBD28CCB8EDB5A52C3
  1341. ;
  1342. Whale Mutant #25
  1343. COM EXE
  1344. DCB986230E33C81F8037E801C32BC875F781C38F00FE0F
  1345. ;
  1346. Whale Mutant #26
  1347. COM EXE
  1348. DCB9C1118B0743430107E2FA81C39200807F010174E106
  1349. ;
  1350. Whale Mutant #27
  1351. COM EXE
  1352. DDEB2AE80100C359BB61DC01CB0EB9C3101FFEC5290F
  1353. ;
  1354. Whale Mutant #28
  1355. COM EXE
  1356. DFE82B0087D381C361DCB9C311E8E0FFF6063324FE74E1
  1357. ;
  1358. Whale Mutant #29
  1359. COM EXE
  1360. E6FF75FB585BFB59FF3666258F069A25FF169A25E80000
  1361. ;
  1362. Whale Mutant #30
  1363. COM EXE
  1364. F9595B87CBE8B501EB078CC88ED8E80200EBF7582D9C23
  1365. ;
  1366. Whale-B Mutant #31
  1367. COM EXE
  1368. FE0743E2FB5B59FF166625E800000E1F5B81EB9F23B985
  1369. ;
  1370. Whale-B Mutant #32
  1371. COM EXE
  1372. FF16662590E800009C9D0E50581F265B240581EB9F2324
  1373. ;
  1374. Whale-B Mutant #33
  1375. COM EXE
  1376. E8000095930E93951FFC5B161781EB9F23FC36B988239C802F03F8
  1377. ;
  1378. Whale-B Mutant #34
  1379. COM EXE
  1380. 920E921F365B575081EBA023585FB9842350280F5158435991
  1381. ;
  1382. Whale-B mutant #35
  1383. COM EXE
  1384. 9543E2F89D5B555D59FF166625FCE8000095930E93951FFC
  1385. ;
  1386. Whale-B mutant #36
  1387. COM EXE
  1388. FB81EB9F23FCB98523528037415A4390E2F750FE8F8E00
  1389. ;
  1390. Wisconsin Virus
  1391. COM
  1392. B4402E8E1E2B012E8B1E31018BCF33D2CD21
  1393. ;
  1394. Wolfman Virus
  1395. COM EXE
  1396. 1800CD21B802428BCACD21B440590E1FBA0001CD21B4
  1397. ;
  1398. Word Related Virus
  1399. COM EXE
  1400. 5B89871?008B870000A300018A870200A2020153B84230B96719BB917633D2CD21
  1401. ;
  1402. WWT Related Virus
  1403. COM
  1404. 01B44EB90100CD217302EB1?%EE80F00BA8000B44F
  1405. ;
  1406. Yankee Doodle Related Virus
  1407. COM EXE
  1408. 53BB??00F8B803C?CD215B7?
  1409. ;
  1410. Yaunch Virus
  1411. EXE
  1412. 5C012BDB8A058A2032C48805473BFA730A4383FB0A72ED
  1413. ;
  1414. Zero Bug Virus
  1415. COM
  1416. 5A45CD602EC606250601902E803E2606
  1417. ;
  1418. Zero Hunt related Virus
  1419. COM
  1420. A483EB0426891E020026C7060000F5E9BFCFCFC53690
  1421. ;
  1422. Zero Translator Virus
  1423. COM LOW HIGH
  1424. 5657B800B88ED8BB00008A073C307502B04F88074343
  1425. ;
  1426. ZK-900 Virus
  1427. COM EXE
  1428. BD0D270E1F8CC1B82135CD2126817F025A4B74722E8C868002
  1429. ;
  1430. ;
  1431. ;
  1433. ;This file carries a sanity check. Do NOT change the checksum! Add your own
  1434. ;info BELOW the cheksum line at the bottom of this file.
  1435. ;TITCV D538 